The University of Ostrava Throughout History

February 24, 2025

This timeline acts as a general overview of the events that have contributed to the University of Ostrava’s status as a modern institution, fostering scientific research in the heart of a city formerly considered one of the key industrial centres of the Czech Republic. The events recorded in this timeline offer a glimpse into the university’s journey towards its current set of six faculties and wide range of study programmes, which have developed over the years to include a variety of fields and disciplines.

Some highlights from the timeline include the university’s foundation in 1991 and thus the establishment of the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science. This milestone marks the expansion of the university’s initial range of fields, which at first mostly focused on educating future teachers. Another key moment comes at the very end of the timeline, with the establishment of the Faculty of Medicine, which further heightened the university’s significance among Czech institutions of higher learning.